585 Nauvoo Road, Lewisberry, PA 17339


Welcome to the Lowther Manor Lodge No. 781 F. & A.M. virtual lodge! The Officers and members of the lodge extend fraternal greetings to all Freemasons and visitors who have come to these portals. All are welcome!
These pages provide information about Lowther Manor Lodge in particular and Freemasonry in general. We have also provided links to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and other Masonic websites of interest. This is a great place to begin your exploration of Freemasonry.
We aspire to be the "Premier Lodge in Central Pennsylvania." Our lodge has developed a reputation over the years for being a friendly lodge. We have also worked very hard to maintain a standard of excellence in the quality of our ritualistic work and in the variety and quality of the fraternal, charitable, and community service programs we support. Come visit us and see for yourself!
Lowther Manor
Pennsylvania Freemasonry and Lowther Manor Lodge have a rich Masonic tradition.
Learn more about this and what makes Lowther Manor Lodge a special place:
We are a friendly lodge.
We are an active lodge.
We take pride in our work.
Activities & Events
Explore all the activities and opportunities for service that Lowther Manor Lodge offers. Did you know the lodge sponsors the only Masonic Car Show in Pennsylvania benefiting scholarships in the automotive and other trades?
Becoming A Mason
Freemasonry is the oldest existing men's fraternal organization in the world. To become a Mason you must be;
a man,
at least 18 years old,
of good character,
interested in learning about Freemasonry and participating in activities.

Happy 68th Birthday Lowther Manor Lodge No. 781!
Unfortunately, the weather once again did not cooperate with us and it was necessary to cancel our stated meeting. We had some very important business to attend to and these have been rescheduled as follows:
25-year service awards will be presented to members who have attained that distinction at our May stated meeting.
We are planning on continuing our Masonic journey in revitalizing our lodge and improving our membership engagement at a workshop to be held Tuesday, March 18th at 7pm at the Lodge. We will focus on our lodge' s unique strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and develop S.M.A.R.T. goals and plans to address those issues. The active participation of the brethren is essential.
That session will be facilitated by Brother Michael C, Brouillette, PM, of Zeredetha-White Rose Lodge No. 451, York, PA, and a member of the Grand Lodge of PA’s Blue Lodge Revitalization Team.
Brothers, we have some work to do. It’s time to pick up your working tools.
We Continue the Journey

Our January stated meeting was fun and productive. We will have a meeting in March wholly dedicated to the project, but we have already begun some initiatives.
We have embarked upon a journey of “Lodge Revitalization and Membership Engagement.” This Grand Lodge program is based on a program used with remarkable success by the Grand Lodge of England. This is not a “one-shot” exercise. It is a process of continuous review and improvement.
At the January stated meeting we quickly finished the necessary business, then called off from labor and entered into an open discussion of our lodge’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. But rather than going right into this SWOT analysis, our facilitator, Jack Harley, PM of Ephrata Lodge No. 665, and a Member of the Grand Lodge Blue Lodge Revitalization Committee, asked the membership what attracted them to Freemasonry in the first place.
The responses all fell within these broad categories:
Fellowship, camaraderie
Are these what attracted you to Freemasonry? Does the lodge provide what you are interested in and opportunities for personal growth in these or other areas? How are we doing? The discussion was upbeat, positive, and will shape our programs and activities for the years to come.
I know many of the brethren can’t get to lodge due to infirmity, can’t drive at night (or at all), live too far away, are a caretaker, or have work, family, or other commitments that make attending difficult or impossible. That does not diminish the importance of your input. Feel free to call me or reply via email.
Jeffrey L. Heiss, P.M, W.M.

Our Newest Master Mason
Bro. Eugene N. Garcia
It was a great evening of degree work as the 3rd, or Master Mason’s degree was conferred upon our latest member, Eugene (Gene) Nicholas Garcia (Front, 3rd from left.) The degree was conferred by Bro. Todd L. Snyder, PM and the ancient charge at raising was delivered by Dale M. Hauze, Sr., PM. It was a record cold and icy night but all who turned out enjoyed the warm fellowship of the lodge as we welcomed Gene to a lifetime journey through the whole experience of Freemasonry. Please join us in congratulating him!
The Lowther Manor Lodge No. 781 16th Annual Car Show
Thanks to all who made this year's car show a success! The day's weather was perfect, over 100 cars and cycles of all types were on the lot and they all looked great. There was great food, music, raffles, prizes and the fellowship of all the car enthusiasts who came out to show. Over $3,000 was raised which will all go to scholarships for graduating seniors pursuing advanced technical training and certifications.
Lowther Manor Lodge Serves Our Community

Our last litter pickup of 2024 went well, but we sure could use some more picker uppers. We had just enough to do two of our one-mile sections of route 15 southbound either side of the PA turnpike entrance. It was freshly mowed so lots of trash was exposed and removed filling many (36) trash bags. Pictures are Brothers Art Smith, Steve Koser, Jeffrey Painter, and Mark Gaines, PM. Picture taken by George (Radar) Martin and also not shown, Steve Wilt, Jeff Heiss, PM WM, and breakfast Chef extraordinaire PM Ricky Patrick.
All able bodies brethren are engaged to help out. Friends and family members are welcome!
Lowther Manor Lodge Welcomes You
Brothers and visitors,
THE LODGE BUILDING IS LOCATED AT 585 NAUVOO ROAD, LEWISBERRY, PA. We warmly welcome Masonic travelers! The main entrance faces the road. Upon entering you will find yourself in a welcoming space leading to the multi-purpose social hall/dining room. There is a full institutional kitchen and other facilities.The lodge room has comfortable seating on the sidelines with room for additional seating when needed. The property sits on a 2+ acre lot with a large paved, lighted parking lot and the facility is handicap accessible throughout. The social areas are available for rental.
BOOKMARK THIS PAGE AND COME BACK FREQUENTLY FOR UPDATES AND NEWS! If you have been away this would be a great opportunity to return to the lodge and share in our fellowship. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!